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The 1920s Berlin Project - Photostream The 1920s Berlin Project is an historically accurate interactive model of Berlin in 1929 created within the virtual world of Second Life (SL). It strives to give the appearance and feel of authentic 1920s Weimar culture. It was created and is mostly managed by a historical consultant from the Netherlands who goes by her avatar name, Jo Yardley. The project is designed to help people understand the Weimar German lifestyle. It is similar to real world Historical reenactment except that it is built inside a virtual world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_1920s_Berlin_Project
Visit Berlin 1920 in Second Life Besuchen Sie das Berlin der zwanziger Jahre in Second Life. maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/1920s%20Berlin/234/232/751 Berlin ist immer eine Reise wert! © alle Bilder Luzie Cheng - Luziefee |
Rätselverzeichnis - Wie alles begann ... - Zufallsrätsel - erstes Rätsel
Galerie - A - B - C - D - E - F- G - H - I - J - KI-Bilder - L - M - N - O - P - Quintessenz-KI-Bilder - R - S - T - U - V - W - Xtraordinary Music - Y - Z |
Jacob Burckhardt - Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien. Ein Versuch
Leonardo da Vinci Wissenschaftler - Erfinder - Künstler
Venedig - Eine Liebeserklärung an eine Stadt
William Shakespeare animiert (wahrscheinlich oder zufällig...2/3 zu 1/3) William Turner
Philosophie für Schnelldenker - Besinnliche Philosophie
Startseite - © Copyright 2004- - Impressum + Datenschutz - Susanne Albers - Kiehlufer 125 - D 12059 Berlin